In the most recent issue of Charisma Magazine –there was an article featured about the women’s prison ministry that I was the National Director of for the past three years. The article brought a huge smile to my face and tears to my eyes. The cover of the magazine read “Revival Behind Bars”.
The article talked about how much the Holy Spirit is moving inside prisons right now. How the Lord is healing wounded hearts of inmates and how the majority of incarcerated individuals truly want to change and make better choices when they return to society.
The question my dear friend asked had nothing to do with these things. This friend has traveled extensively with me and has personally witnessed this mentioned move of God on many occasions. She asked a good question after reading the part about how in the past year the ministry had seen more than 20,000 inmates attend its events and having more than 7,500 of those make decisions for Christ. How 203 detention facilities in 25 states across America are somehow tied now to Biblical studies, discipleship programs and re-entry relationships utilizing 850 trained volunteers nationwide.
So what was the question? She asked how it felt to know that I played such a critical role in all of that!
While reading the article was quite heart warming that was only because of the nearly 3,000 faces I had looked into while they raised their arms to be in the number of those who made a decision to accept Christ as their Savior. My heart was warmed and my eyes spilled little droplets because of all the children I had gotten to pray for with moms in many of those states. My heart leapt for joy thinking about the churches I got to introduce prison ministry to. The “first-time inside” experience that I got to share with so many of those now well trained volunteers who are “regulars” inside.
As I read the article I thought of the amazing privilege I had of being invited to be on the prison team with Nick Vujicic this past May where during 4 different yard events over 700 men accepted Christ. I thought of this past September when I had the opportunity to bring Kay Warren inside for her first prison visit and the 300 + women who stood up to pray a “Dangerous Surrender” prayer that day followed by 49 who were water baptized on the prison yard.
I thought about earlier in the year the crazy schedule we kept while going from one women’s prison directly to a juvenile facility where we had so much favor they gave us extra hours with the girls and let us pray for every one of them individually. Then I couldn’t help but think about how that would have felt so much greater had we not had to drive 4 hours to cross the entire state of Indiana for a scheduled television interview the next morning. EARLY, I might add. Then I thought more recently about this past Thanksgiving when we went inside a Juvenile Detention Facility and taught on an “Attitude of Gratitude” and after sharing testimony of how we were simply thankful for being alive and having received a second chance five young people came to Christ, and five more rededicated their lives.
My heart ached thinking about the 26 home visits we did at Christmastime delivering Christmas presents to nearly 70 Angel Tree Kids who have an incarcerated family member. And then our return trip to Juvenile Hall challenging our “unique youth group” with a mini message and assignment on “A New You this New Year.”
That’s a lot to run through one’s mind when simply asked a brief question. The fact of the matter is, I hadn’t really spent a lot of time considering the statistics, the numbers, the programs, the volunteers as a whole or the training that has gone into it all. But as you can tell, I HAVE thought about all the lives that God has allowed me the amazing privilege and honor of touching.
The prison vineyard is such a precious one. All outreach for that matter. Reaching outside the church walls, being the church, in action and on purpose. Taking a corner of a net and helping pull in such a huge catch. The fields are definitely ripe for harvest.
Maybe this little blog will inspire, motivate, and encourage you. I pray that you have many many memories of how God has allowed you to be involved in His business and that you have witnessed many miracles, signs and wonders also. I pray that if you haven’t had experiences like this that you would consider going “inside” or getting "outside" - the church walls. Maybe your church or another local organization could assist you. If you know of one maybe they would like to partner with Daughters of Destiny. Maybe you would like to experience a Daughters of Destiny event yourself. You are more than welcome to join in. But please, do not let this year go by just thinking about it. Many lives are waiting to be impacted and you have something they need. JESUS. Will you share it with them?
By the way – if you visit the site…… tell them Deanna sent you. Lol
Until later I will be resting and trusting in Him.
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